Flickr / sigusr0Fertilizing the plants
It is important to get your soil analyzed by your county MSU Extension, but in the absence of a soil test, apply one pound of 12-12-12 fertilizer per 100 square feet one week before planting. Two weeks later sprinkle an additional two to three pounds of the 12-12-12 as a side dressing, making sure not to get it on the damp foliage.
The fertilization strategy changes after the first year. Fertilize the June-bearing plants immediately after harvest with 2 to 3 pounds of 12-12-12 per 100 square feet and avoid early spring fertilization because it can cause the plants to grow too fast and produce soft berries and a smaller yield.
Everbearing strawberries are fertilized the same as June-bearing plants in the planting year. During the subsequent years, the everbearing plants should be fertilized with 1/2 pound of 12-12-12 per 100 square feet, with applications made in early June, July, August and September. In total, about the same amount of fertilizer is used for both types of strawberries, but for the everbearing, the fertilizer is spread out over four applications throughout the growing season.